Świat oczami Beat(k)i

blog osobisty Beaty Lipskiej

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My workflow – how to handle tickets? Bear template

In English ??

Ticket analyse

“Begin with the end in mind” ~Stephen Coveye „The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”

“Every minute you spend in planning, saves 10 minutes in execution.” ~Brian Tracy

I use note app Bear ? and write down in Mark Down:

# SYMBOL- Title
Sprint:         #work/tickets
Link:          https://linkt-to-your-ticket
PR:            https://linkt-to-your-pull-request
Type:         #work/tickets/type/BE
Project:         #work/projects

Start date:     2020-00-00
Done date:    2020-00-00
Paired with:     

## Description

###### Acceptance Criteria

###### Design

## Plan

### Unknowns

### Questions to ask (and who to ask)

### Edge-cases

### To Do
- [ ] 
- [ ] unit tests
- [ ] integration tests
- [ ] reviews
- [ ] deploy
- [ ] QA tests
- [ ] documentation
- [ ] done

####  Affected Services

#### Affected files

#### Affected tests

## Technologies
#technologies/api #technologies/golang

## PR Description
### Ticket(s):
Link to ticket:

### What has been done:

### How to test:

#### Locally:

#### Other environments:



“Make it work. Make it right. Make it fast.” Kent Beck
Happy path -> Ugly but working code -> then make it nice

“You can do anything once you stop trying to do everything.”


“The more stupid you feel asking a question, the more you HAVE to ask the question.” – James Altucher, The Rich Employee

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